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  • Pintxos Evening04.19.2024
    20:00 h - Instituto Hemingway
  • Tour por Casco Viejo04.22.2024
    16:00 h - Instituto Hemingway
  • Visit to the Guggenheim museum04.23.2024
    16:30 h - Instituto Hemingway
  • Cata de vinos04.24.2024
    19:00 h - Instituto Hemingway
  • Paella04.25.2024
    20:00 h - Instituto Hemingway
  • Bullfighting Museum04.30.2024
    16:00 h - Instituto Hemingway
  • More information:

    (34) 944 167 901 Whatsapp
June 21, 2024

Our experience in he bullfight with Instituto Hemingway!

On Sunday the 19th of June, with Instituto Hemingway, we had the unique experience of attending a bullfight here in the city of Bilbao.

The majority of the students of Hemingway´s Spanish classes were intrigued, but at the same time apprehensive at the point of discovering this controversial Spanish tradition.

In effect, the bullfights are traditional acts consisting in the fight between a man and a bull, in which in bull is generally killed at the end of the struggle. Apart from this, Spaniards will come to appreciate the trajes de luces (suit of lights) worn by the bullfighters, another highly cultural and traditional element of the spectacle. The horses, the skill, and the very presence of the matador form vital parts of these events, which serve to attract so many people.

The first moments were fairly difficult to come to terms with, as it is difficult to concentrate on the work and art of the torero (bullfighter) without thinking about the animals. Because of this, it is important to know and keep in mind that the bulls that are chosen for the fights are already quite old, and are raised in the freedom of huge ranges where they are given the best possible conditions. This allows their valour to be seen in full force in the arena, fed by their strength and natural instincts.

Some of the biggest names in bullfighting were also present, such as José María Manzanares, Alejandro Talavante and the young prodigy Roca Rey.

Furthermore, the aforementioned Roca Rey gave us a grand show, that allowed the Spanish students and us, the interns of Hemingway, to learn not to focus solely on the animal but rather in the duel between the man and the savage beast.

The Spanish bullfight is a moment of celebration and passion in this nation. Effectively, the Spanish come to see a show, a struggle between two great wills. For this occasion everyone comes well-dressed: it is an almost sacred moment for many Spanish people.

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