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    16:00 h - Instituto Hemingway
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April 17, 2025

Changes in the Diploma of Spanish as a Foreign Language (DELE)

On Wednesday, March 12th of 2008, it was published in the State’s Official Bulletin, the Royal Decree 264/2008 of February 22nd, changing the Royal Decree 1137/2002 of October 31st, in which it regulates the Diplomas of Spanish as a Foreign Language issued by the Cervantes Institute on behalf of the Department of Education and Science of Spain. The approval and the publication of this Royal Decree, which it changes the actual standard regulations of the DELE, was an essential procedure to adapt to the system of the Cervantes Institute Spanish Diplomas to the levels established on the day of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas - MCER) of the European Counsel.

The adaptation process of the Diplomas of Spanish system to the levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages implies to lines of work. On one hand, is to finalize the revision of the existing levels equivalence of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (MCER) and the Cervantes Institute Curricular Plan through different procedures of validation. On the other hand, it is necessary to create three new levels of the Diplomas of Spanish: A1, A2 and C1.

In this sense, the equivalences of the current Diplomas of Spanish will be the following:

- The current Diploma of Spanish Beginner Level will be equivalent to the Diploma of Spanish Level B1.
- The current Diploma of Spanish Intermediate Level will be equivalent to the Diploma of Spanish Level B2.
- The Diploma of Spanish Advanced Level will be equivalent to the Diploma of Spanish Level C2.

The planned calendar by the Cervantes Institute to incorporate the new levels and to finalize the revision of the current diplomas equivalence is the following:

- A1: May of 2009
- A2: May of 2010
- B1: November of 2010
- B2: November of 2010
- C1: November of 2010
- C2: November of 2010

Download (RD_264_2008.pdf)

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