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  • Museum of Fine Arts Bilbao05.07.2024
    16:00 h - Instituto Hemingway
  • Churros with chocolate05.08.2024
    18:00 h - Instituto Hemingway
  • Pintxos Evening05.10.2024
    20:00 h - Instituto Hemingway
  • Table football05.14.2024
    20:00 h - Instituto Hemingway
  • Cata de vinos05.15.2024
    19:00 h - Instituto Hemingway
  • Pintxos Evening05.17.2024
    20:00 h - Instituto Hemingway
  • Bicycle Ride05.20.2024
    16:00 h - Instituto Hemingway
  • Pintxos Evening05.24.2024
    20:00 h - Instituto Hemingway
  • Pool 05.27.2024
    19:00 h - Instituto Hemingway
  • Visit to the Guggenheim museum05.29.2024
    h - Instituto Hemingway
  • Pintxos Evening05.31.2024
    20:00 h - Instituto Hemingway
  • More information:

    (34) 944 167 901 Whatsapp
September 28, 2024

Instituto Hemingway offers you the chance to go dancing, Salsa style!

As part of Instituto Hemingway’s free, afternoon activities we offer you the chance to learn Caribbean dancing! After our enjoyable and worthwhile morning Spanish classes, we will take you to learn Salsa.

The use of the term Salsa, when referring to this specific form of dance, originated in New York in the 1970s, however it evolved from earlier forms of Cuban dancing such as Cha Cha Cha and Mambo. There are now various forms of Salsa dancing across Latin America and the Caribbean, such as Cuban, Colombian, Puerto Rican, L.A. and New York styles.

Salsa dancing is done in pairs. In general, it focuses on moving the lower body, your feet and legs. While your lower body moves, your weight shifts causing natural movement in your hips and then arm and shoulder movements are incorporated in to the routine.

The two dancers hold hands and the lead dancer initiates the moves with their arm movements. In the New York style the dancers remain mostly in front of each other, while in Latin American styles the dancers circle around each other. The circular, Latin American style, is inspired by Cuban music genre Son that gained global popularity in the 1930s. Latin American styles originate from Puerto Rico, Cuba and surrounding Caribbean islands.

If you fancy having a go at learning salsa then do not hesitate to join us at Instituto Hemingway. In the morning you can take part in our enjoyable and worthwhile classes designed to improve your Spanish in a relaxed and friendly environment. Afterwards you can join us on one of our free and exciting activities that take place every afternoon. If you have any questions then please email us at info@institutohemingway.com.

We hope to see you soon!

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