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April 23, 2024

With Spanish Courses, Literature Lives On

The 23rd April is a special day for everyone who loves reading. Although it is good to make this a set date, we should remember that books are always our knowledgeable friends who are there to entertain us. They do more than simply tell a story or spread theoretical knowledge. They are the result of the effort someone has put in to reflect on something, and the desire this person has to share with us what they have written.

Few people know that this day, which is so special, was chosen randomly; both William Shakespeare and the great Miguel de Cervantes died on the same day. Was it possible for these icons to somehow be linked in the magical world of writing?

We can never stop when it comes to finding coincidences in books. In 1898, the writer Morgan Robertson wrote his book basing it on a sinking ship which had many similarities and which was also called Titan. Doesn't this make you think of the Titanic? Among other similarities, these two ships were both named "unsinkable".

With all of these magical stories and all of what books can bring us, we can safely say that Spanish has a huge variety of writers all over the world, whose feats have captivated thousands of readers. Therefore, just like Sigmund Freud did by learning Spanish just to be able to read Quijote in the original text, a Spanish course at the Instituto Hemingway is an experience with which in a few weeks, you will be able to start to understand the Spanish used in the great classics, as well as maybe even being able to start writing your own book!

So join us and the Spanish-speaking community and write your own story!

Reading takes us to places that we can live in through words. Our students have all written their own stories with us and every time we re-read them, we feel rewarded, because the classes, activities and enjoying Bilbao is always different with you.

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