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November 27, 2024

Cultural visit: Discover el Palacio Foral de Bizkaia!

Hello everyone! It's almost the end of November, and with the arrival of winter the nights are getting darker and darker, but that doesn't mean you can't be enlightened with a dose of culture.

Those of you who have been here in Bilbao for a while - have you ever wondered what that tremendous building on Gran Vía is all about? The one that almost intimidates with its imposing presence, that makes us think how small we are, and how our existence really comes and goes in little more than the blink of an eye, in the grand scheme of things? Just me? Well...

Let's go on Friday 01 December, meeting point here at the Instituto Hemingway at 17:00. And don't worry, as always there will be our iconic pintxo night at 20:00 too.

If you are interested in the culture, architecture or history of our magnificent province, don't hesitate to sign up - and how do I do that?

To sign up we ask you to fill in our short form by clicking on this link (Survey Palacio Foral).

We hope to see you there!

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