Courses in catering, writing and teaching Spanish
A year ago Instituto Hemingway launched the Virtual Classroom IHEL (Instituto Hemingway E-Learninsg) with the objective of making available a powerful tool which would make it easy for our students to do distance learning courses.
In this way, the Virtual Classroom offers conversational forums for the exchange of ideas, discussions on various issues or simply connections between the professors and the students.
In this way, the Virtual Classroom offers conversational forums for the exchange of ideas, discussions of various issues and simply connections between professor and student.
There is also an online chat in which students interact regularly, making them part of a unified group of scholars despite them being in different places. Beyond the standard course material, many additional materials can be downloaded from the Virtual Classroom library.
To date we have developed three courses:
The course for teachers of Spanish ELE: This 80 hour course allows people who want to advance their careers as teachers of Spanish to specialize in that field, learn strategies and acquire adequate resources to teach Spanish as a foreign language.
Course in Written Spanish: This 30 hour course is aimed at people wanting to improve writing skills for their personal and professional lives. This course improves the capabilities of each person by providing theoretical knowledge and practical exercises. It is aimed at native speakers of Spanish or students of Spanish at levels C1 and C2.
The basic hospitality course: This is a course that seeks to explain aspects of Spanish culture, economy and food in connection with the catering. The course is divided into 7 teaching units and deals with topics related to restaurants, hotels, food, cuisine, serving tables, etc. The estimated duration of the course is 40 hours and combines theoretical and practical elements. This course was created in response to a growing need that the students have expressed during their time in Spain, and is an excellent complement to the course Working in Hotels.
InstitutoHemingway continues to work to incorporate new courses that help students improve their professional profiles in a convenient, flexible and practical manner.