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May 06, 2024

La Fura dels Baus.- Here in Bilbao on 4th June 2009

On Thursday 4th June, Spanish students at Instituto Hemingway have a date at the Arriaga Theatre www.teatroarriaga.com in Bilbao, for a unique and innovative theatre experience. La Fura dels Baus, a theatre company from Catalonia, is coming to Bilbao to perform Boris Godunov, a play about modern-day terrorism. Here are a few words about the piece, according to the actors.

“The play begins with the the Dubrovka Theatre in Moscow being taken hostage by a terrorist group in 2002. The fact that this takes place in a theatre is both shocking and thought-provoking. As actors, the theatre is a place which embodies daily life and work for us, but here it has taken on a macabre and sinister identity, in which members of the audience become involuntary actors. In a work of fiction, a real tragedy has taken place....

...Some of the facts have not been more than a starting point, just for us to get some inspiration. Also, we wanted to move away from any concrete setting or political situation with this play. We did not want to portray the terrorists in any way that would mirror universal concepts of human beings in any time or place. The struggle for power, violence as a way of imposing ideas and the corrupting nature of power which results in the suffering of innocent victims were key themes...We believe that the best way of confronting our fears is to face them ourselves. Boris Godunov is an attempt to relate to the audience on an emotional level, with a topic which instills fear in all of us- terrorism.”

We are meeting at Instituto Hemingway on 4th June at 7.30pm for an 8pm start. As usual, please let us know if you are interested in going so that we can book the tickets.

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