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July 05, 2024

Bull-running in San Fermin in Pamplona on 7th July

The bull-running in Pamplona is a great opportunity to explore the Spanish culture in a more interactive way. Spanish students at Instituto Hemingway are invited to watch the festival at Pamplona on 7th July and learn something more about this long-standing tradition.

The so called “encierro” or the bull-running is the most typical and important event of the Fiesta de San Fermin. This year it will take place from 7th of July till 14th of July and the events of the week will be broadcasted worldwide. People from all over the world gather for this celebration and participate in the activities organized.

The survival run is usually done by young men although women are also taking part. The idea is to run in front of the bulls to lead them to the bull-ring. Although the event is quite important and long expected by Spanish and foreigners, it lasts only about two or three minutes. If there are complications with the bulls, it might take a bit longer. You don’t have to sign up for it and it is open for anyone. Just come and choose the street where you will run and do your best.

The whole tradition began in the mid 1800s with the process of moving the bulls from the edge of town to the bull-ring. People started to join the run on the herd on their journey and this developed as a famous Spanish tradition. Today a lot of people take part in this crowded event making it an attraction for tourists and locals. Spectators are expected to watch it behind the double-fencing for security reasons but they also get to be a part of this unique atmosphere.

The bull-running is a quite exciting way of feeling the Spanish culture around you. Since Bilbao is only a couple of hours away from the city of Pamplona, Instituto Hemingway encourages its students to visit the place during the festivities. It is definitely a sight worth seeing! There is no better way of experiencing the culture than being part of an event such as San Fermin de Pamplona.

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