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May 20, 2024

Bullfighting and Spanish Courses in Bilbao

This Saturday 22nd May the students here at Instituto Hemingway will have the opportunity to witness and learn more about one of Spain’s oldest traditions: bullfighting.

The bullfight we are going to see will take place at the famous Vista Alegre bullring in Bilbao. Although the main bullfighting season takes place in August, there will also be three bullfighting events this month.

The event on the 22nd May will feature six matadors: Jose Manuel Lupi, Víctor Mendes, Juan Jose Padilla, Rafaelillo, Luis Bolvidar and Ivan Fandiño. In a traditional Spanish bullfight, three matadors each fight two bulls. Each matador is assisted by five additional bullfighters: two bullfighters on horseback (picadors), and three on foot (banderilleros).

As bullfighting is one of Spain’s most famous traditions, it is worth taking advantage of this opportunity to see a bullfighting event whilst studying in Bilbao. All those studying Spanish with Instituto Hemingway are invited to meet at the school at 17.00 to see the bullfight which starts at 18.00 on Saturday evening.

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