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  • Pintxos Evening05.17.2024
    20:00 h - Instituto Hemingway
  • Bicycle Ride05.20.2024
    16:00 h - Instituto Hemingway
  • Pintxos Evening05.24.2024
    20:00 h - Instituto Hemingway
  • Pool 05.27.2024
    19:00 h - Instituto Hemingway
  • Visit to the Guggenheim museum05.29.2024
    h - Instituto Hemingway
  • Pintxos Evening05.31.2024
    20:00 h - Instituto Hemingway
  • More information:

    (34) 944 167 901 Whatsapp
August 09, 2024

Students from our Spanish school enjoy chocolate con churros

As confirmed by our students, “chocolate con churros” forms a heavenly combination. This is one of the popular activities organised every weekday for Spanish students in Instituto Hemingway.

On a cloudy and rainy day in Bilbao, chocolate and churros seemed like a wonderful idea for a pick-me-up, so along with eight students we headed for one of the many cafes serving this delicious combination, once again finding ourselves in the Casco Viejo (old town). We were each given a mug of melted chocolate, and two plates of churros to share, each plate containing around ten churros, sprinkled with sugar. The mountain of churros and chocolate infront of us was by far the best way to forget out the weather.

Churros, the Spanish equivalent of American doughnuts, consist of fried potato dough and are served as a snack with icing sugar. We dunked ours in cups of molten hot chocolate: pure heaven! Churros are said to have originated in Spain, however they are popular all over the world in countries such as Latin America, the United States, France, Portugal and Morocco, to name but a few. Churros come in two different styles: the type we had, as well as a thicker, longer version known as the ´porra´ which is often eaten for breakfast in Spain with melted chocolate or ´café con leche´.

With the help of these little doughnuts of goodness, the day seemed infinitely sunnier!

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