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  • Bicycle Ride05.20.2024
    16:00 h - Instituto Hemingway
  • Pintxos Evening05.24.2024
    20:00 h - Instituto Hemingway
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    19:00 h - Instituto Hemingway
  • Visit to the Guggenheim museum05.29.2024
    h - Instituto Hemingway
  • Pintxos Evening05.31.2024
    20:00 h - Instituto Hemingway
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August 30, 2024

Week-long fiestas in the city of Bilbao, a nine day celebration of this wonderful city!

Semana Grande is now a long running tradition in Bilbao and many people come from high and low to get in on the action. The festival started back in 1978, when the circus, sideshows, bullfights, boxing matches and traditional dance troupes all coincided here in Bilbao. It is organized by the Federation Bilboko Konpartsak and the Council of Bilbao.Nine days with activities, performances and bullfights going on all day, and all over Bilbao.

Marijaia, the “patron saint” of the fiestas is the symbol of the Semana Grande since 1997, with her own song called “Badator Marijaia”. Marijaia is a statue of a rather plump, older lady, with her arms always raised as if she were dancing, and this symbol is always associated with the Semana Grande. At the start of the festival she is paraded through the city, while people follow and then on the last day she is burnt and sent down the river to return the following year.

Everyone attends the fiestas, as they cater to all ages from young children, to students to the older generations there is something for everyone. The activities are organized by groups known as ‘las comparsas’ these are small groups of citizens who get together to revitalize the fiestas through what are known as ‘las txoznas’, which are tents set up along the river and other areas, arranging the music, as well as different activities lasting the nine days.

The fiestas provide performances day and night, as well as concerts, an amazing firework display every night, from competing pyrotechnic teams, bullfighting, sports, games, traditional dances, culinary competition and wonderful street performances. The streets are also lined with marquees from a variety of bars and societies, providing food and drink, many accompanied by loud sound systems as they compete to out-do each other. The celebration kicks off with a rocket being launched from the Plaza Arriaga, followed by Marijaia’s first appearance of the week. Over 100,000 people have been known to attend the Big Week and the city is packed for this one week, people from Bilbao as well as from all over the rest of Spain and the world.

Music is the key to the celebrations and there are free live performances daily throughout the city. Every night around midnight, concerts kick off at venues such as the Plaza Nueva square and riverside Botica Vieja area, and run into the early hours of the morning. However if you are not a night owl, there are many performances and activities throughout the day such as culinary contest where small teams compete to make the best dish, these are also found all over the city and are wonderful to watch.

Overall Semana Grande is a festival of epic proportions for such a small city Bilbao definetly can hold its own. This week is Bilbao’s chance to show the world what it’s got. ¡ One magnificent week !

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