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March 23, 2024

Interesting ideas from our SGEL workshop for Spanish teachers

Yesterday, we held a workshop at Instituto Hemingway, thanks to the publishers SGEL. The workshop focused on: “Working with images in the Spanish language classroom: comics, photos and drawings. Ideas for working with digital materials”.

During the workshop, we reflected on the purpose and uses of images in the Spanish as a Foreign Language classroom, and discussed the criteria that we ourselves used when selecting images. Then, we learned how and to what purposes images should be employed in order to make the most effective use of them. We found the workshop very useful: we were able to analyse in what ways images support explanations of lingustic aspects, and take part in practical demonstrations.

We also enjoyed an explanation of SGEL’s latest releases, and of their new materials based specifically around the theme of the workshop. One that was found especially interesting and which we wasted no time in acquiring for our school is: “Imagine…! Mental images in the Spanish language classroom”.

An interesting afternoon spent discovering in depth the uses of “traditional images” and “mental images” in the Spanish language classroom.

In short, we spent a very instructive day which enabled all of the Instituto Hemingway teachers to refresh their ideas and get up to date with the latest developments in the Spanish as a Foreign Language field. We are always happy to learn new things, in order to offer our students the best quality of teaching.

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