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  • Bicycle Ride05.20.2024
    16:00 h - Instituto Hemingway
  • Pintxos Evening05.24.2024
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Course for Spanish as a Foreign Language teachers
September 21, 2012
Beatriz Cruz

Spanish Teacher in the USA

The reason why I write to you today is that after much effort and studying, finally i have managed to find a job as a Spanish teacher in the USA.

My story began in Spain. I was working as an accountant in a multinational company, but I always worried about changing my professional career completely and dedicating myself to teaching.

I found a rewarding job
, in which each day is different and you never know what you can find. We are not able to read students minds to know about their doubts, so each day is a new adventure!

I had trained for some time in my town teaching Erasmus students to incorporate themselves into Spanish life and culture, but always as a second job that paid very little, due to the small amount of time which they allowed me to work.

I was determinded to change when my husband said to me that I have to go and work in California. Oh, this is my opportunity to change!!! I thought. This occurred at the beginning of last year, untill November, and it would not take place. I have time to improve!!! And that was it. I started to dedicate lots of time to teaching Spanish as a second language. The ELE course for teachers helped me greatly which I shared at Instituto Hemingway. In reality, here is where I wanted to be. Finally, I arrived on the western coast of theUSA, where it isn´t easy to find a job, above all if you do not have experience in the country. After insisting to volunteer, I intended to improve my level of English…

In the end, I am working in a school with children of 3rd, 4th and 5th grade. Thanks to this course, and a lot of effort, in the end I have my first job.

Now, I am going to continue the training with an advanced teacher and I am very motivated to do it.

I really encourage you to continue with your profession. And for those who are thinking, I urge you to do it.

Thankyou very much and I hope I have encouraged you to continue.

Greetings from Claifornia!

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