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Activities in the Spanish Classroom
November 27, 2012

Working with images: “I would put on …” (For A1)

General Objective

To revise the vocabulary related to clothing, to pratice the conditional structure. “I would put on …”

Warmup Activity

Explain to the students that they have travelled to a country where the climate is different to their own, so they have to buy clothes.

Then give them some pictures of clothes (taken from magazines, newspapers, the internet …) and read the text that accompanies it, to revise the names of the clothing and / or to complement their knowledge. Also, they will need to remember the names of the seasons in the year.

First Activity

Individual Acitivty

“Look at these images: Which season does each one belong to?” In which season would you wear them?

Choose two clothes for each season of the year” Remind the students that they have to use the following structure: I would put on … a coat in winter …

Second Actividad

Paired Activity

Invite the students to write of different pieces of paper the names of the clothes that they know and to place the words beside the images like a mural.

Third Actividad

Lastly, give each pair an image of a girl or a boy in a swimsuit and other images of clothes, and ask them to choose a season and “dress” according to the image which corresponds to the season they have choosen.

(Thank you to Nerea L. for this activity)

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