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Activities in the Spanish Classroom
December 04, 2012

Working with images in Spanish classes: Through Films (A2)

General Objectives

To revise the vocabulary and grammatical aspects through films.


*A picture will be displayed (cuttings from newspapers or magazines) with an advertisement of the film and photocopies to give to the students. (Also, you need to select another film and adapt the activities to the vocabulary.)

Warmup Activity

Students are to be given an advertisement of the film, which they are to read and select specific linguistic aspects to study. It will be the studends who will first indicate which words or verbs they are able to identify.

- They can work / review schedules by using the pretext of the movie.

- On the basis of what has been written, students will be asked to explain what the plot of the film is.

- Also, it will give rise to a dialogue suggesting that the issue of the film is part of the cultural activities organized by the cultural centre. They can then ask if in their countries these types of centres exist…

Activity 1ª

Activities will be carried out with missing information (students need to complete the gaps) using the vocabulary/grammar that appeared in the warm up activity.

Activity 2ª

The students will write on the whiteboard some of the key words and will proceed to view a fragment of the selected film. The first time it can be done without sound, so that they can imagine what it is that is happening and then they can comment on it with their classmates. This means that by the the second time with the sound they can check their hypothesis and procede to count the words that they got right. They will have the key words on the whiteboard which will help them.

Activity 3ª

Lastly, the following activity can be completed in groups. Students can research on the internet to find pages in Spanish related to cinema. Between these, each group will choose one and write a summary of the plot to then show to the rest of the class.

(Thanks to Carlos P. for this activity)

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