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  • Bicycle Ride05.20.2024
    16:00 h - Instituto Hemingway
  • Pintxos Evening05.24.2024
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Course for Spanish as a Foreign Language teachers
February 03, 2014
Pablo Hernández Walta

Retraining as a Spanish teacher for non native speakers

My name is Pablo and I studied Technical Architecture. I am currently undergoing retraining, focusing this retraining towards the field of education. For this reason, I decided to do this Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language course.

Participating in this course given by Instituto Hemingway has been an enriching and motivating experience mainly thanks to Alfredo Orive who always knew how to approach my studies, particularly when a difficulty arose. The design of this learning platform has been very convenient and easy to manage, allowing fluid interaction and learning.

I shall now briefly give a small summary of the final project that I have done. I am planning a 100 hour intensive programme for professionals in countries outside the European Economic Community which will develop their professional work in our country, specifically in Andalusia.

I propose a course where I consider it essential that students achieve communication in Spanish as accurately and quickly as possible. Therefore, in planning the final project, I put special emphasis on oral communication, both in the field of understanding and expression. However, I tried not to forget that you need to develop a range of skills in order for learning to be successful, so I designed and integrated comprehension and written expression activities .

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