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  • Bicycle Ride05.20.2024
    16:00 h - Instituto Hemingway
  • Pintxos Evening05.24.2024
    20:00 h - Instituto Hemingway
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    19:00 h - Instituto Hemingway
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    h - Instituto Hemingway
  • Pintxos Evening05.31.2024
    20:00 h - Instituto Hemingway
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Course for Spanish as a Foreign Language teachers
February 10, 2014
Beatriz García Marcos

To France as a Spanish teacher

My name is Beatriz García and I would like to explain the personal development that I went through that lead me to sign up for this course from which I have learnt a lot.

Unable to finish university (Hispanic Studies) due to work hours and economic issues due to the changing "plan Bolonya" education system, I decided to continue my future in other ways and I found this teacher training distance learning course.

During the time it took to complete said course I have seen change my perspective as a teacher. I now focus more on possible future projects, to the point that I will emigrate to France in a few months time. There I will have the opportunity to develop in a country where I see more possibilities in the field of ELE teaching.

If it were not for the security gained from doing this course, in which I have learned many concepts that I have already begun to implement as a teacher, I would not have taken the decision to change the course of my life and think that it could be done. I would like to thank Instituto Hemingway, through Alfredo Orive, for their dedication to the writing syllabus and for reading and answering our questions, successes, and mistakes.

The adventure will begin soon. Thank you for helping along the way.

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