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Course for Spanish as a Foreign Language teachers
October 28, 2014
Mercedes Sánchez-Cruzado

Course for teachers of Spanish as a Foreign Language from Senegal

Hello Everybody!!!!!

As a final point after carrying out the course I am going to make my first contribution to the blog.

First of all I want to tell you that I came to this course in order to be able to train myself as best as possible as a teacher wanting to give  quality teaching to my future students.

I am a volunteer at a small Non-governmental organisation  and one of the actvities that I carry out is supporting and collaborating with Spanish teachers with pupils in Senegal, in public schools. I carry all of this out in a volunteer capacity and without any financial payment.

The basic objective and the main activities, of "Creating Futures", are centred on education, especially promoting this in children, enrolling anually, building a school,...etc, to help to achieve one of the objectives of the unfinished millenium: the access to universal education and gender nondiscrimination.

I am going to let you know about my conclusion made in the Paper:
"At the beginning, It could appear easy or, at least comfortable, to share the teaching and knowledge of your own language to other people. That language that is innate and natural for you.

However, this course, especially, has made me understand that transmitting any knowledge of your own language has its difficulties because it is necessary that you put yourself in the mind and atitude of the pupil to understand where their problems are , where their successes are, and how you must to keep varying every program depending on the needs and advances of each one.

It has been gratifying and labourious to open the mind in this sense and I have been able to check to what extent academic training, of whatever kind, involves, delivery, dedication and a lot of work. I feel encouraged, ready and, above all, prepared to face up to my future and to pass on all the teachings of Spanish, as a second language because it is always a proud moment to be able to impart knowledge about any aspect or area of life, even more so if the education you are imparting is based in something so highly important as your own language.

Benjamin Franklin said " Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn." Well, having concluded this course, I can say that I will be guided by these words.

It is what I have learnt and I feel satisfied and tremendously proud  because of this because when you stop learning, you stop growing."

With that I want to encourage all those who are carrying out the course to finish it and to continue growing.

Finally, I would primarily like to thank the work of the tutour, Alfredo, his patience, help and collaboration; the contributions of my classmates and Instituto Hemingway for the opportunity to carry out this course.

Here I have left you the link: http://www.creandofuturos.org       

And in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CreandoFuturos

You can get to know us closer and we invite you to collaborate!!!!

" Many small people, in many small, doing small things, can change the world."

A virtual hug to everybody!!!!!!!

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